The School Pages

Housewarming '89

Here is an edited version of the Housewarming 1989 video that was filmed at Simon, Lestocq and Jeremy's place on the 8th July 1989. Apart from me, I think Giles and possibly Chris did some filming. To make sure that I do not offend anyone who watches, I have removed sections relating to people's sex lives and the striptease that Simon got from 'the nurse'.

Video By Laurence
The Party '91

A party at the house shared by Simon, Jeremy and Lestocq. I did the music for the entire day, with all the tracks mixed. All I had to remember was the last track on the tape so I knew when to change the cassette. Check out the page about the music for the party.

Video By Laurence
Wild Thing

Made in a video booth somewhere in Brighton, this isn't really school related, but I found the video tape a while ago. I don't why I had it, as I don't appear in the video!

Video By Laurence
The Hero

A Swedish video featuring me.

Video By Laurence
The Hero 2

The sequel to the video above.

Video By Laurence